Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pre-Construction Activities

So many things have to happen before actually breaking ground on a new house. Barry has been working with some potential clients for over a year, and we're getting ready to finalize the agreement. During the past year, there have been multiple meetings with the homeowners and architect. Barry has been involved in quite a few of those meetings and has met several times at the property to discuss site issues. Because the home will be built on the site of an existing farmhouse, there are several phases that must be completed prior to application for the actual building permit. In this case, the existing farmhouse will be demolished and the new house will be built on the site. The old house, however, contains small amounts of asbestos so an abatement contractor must remove the asbestos before demolition can take place. The new homeowners also want to salvage the hardwood flooring from the old house to reuse in their new home. Once that is completed, the demolition can begin.
In the meantime, the architect's plans are being distributed for final quotations from subcontractors. Barry installed a temporary electric pole that has been inspected. The electric company has installed a meter. An engineering firm will complete formal site plans and survey for permits. The homeowners are working with the lender to firm up the financing.
The excitement is building, but we're still weeks away from moving dirt. Nevertheless, it's fun to have a new project on the horizon.

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